Friday, May 24, 2013

Daily Bible Reading Day 145

1Chronicles 11-13; John 9:1-23.  Chronicles recounts the first few days of David's reign after Saul's death. There is a summary of the tribes and how they supported him. Then there is a discussion of David's three and then the thirty. These are David's valiant men, mighty warriors. It was interesting to read about the warriors from Gad. Some were as good as one hundred and a few as good as one thousand. 

David tries to bring the Ark to Jerusalem. It's on an ox cart. Uzzah and Ahio are the ones guiding the cart. The oxen stumble and the Ark is about to fall off and Uzzah quite naturally reaches out to keep it from falling. The Lord strikes him dead because he is not a Levite and has no business transporting the Ark. Good intentions are not enough when serving The Lord. David is angry then afraid.

Jesus finds a blind man and then heals him. I'm sure that this scene is about spiritual blindness and spiritual enlightenment. The man born blind (I hope we find out his name in heaven) deepens his faith in Jesus the more he is forced to defend what Jesus did to him. The Pharisees grow further away from Jesus the more they contemplate that Jesus didn't follow their regulations of the Sabbath. The last contrast is with the parents. They will admit to this being their son but they will not take their stand with their son in defending Jesus. They fear being thrown out of the synagogue. 

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