Sunday, May 12, 2013

Daily Bible Reading Day 133

2Kings 4-5; John 4:1-30.  One of the wives of one of the prophets came to Elisha, Her husband was dead and the creditors were wanting to take her children. Elisha had her gather as many vessels as she could. He then began to fill them out of the little oil she had. They filled enough for her to sell and pay her creditors.

Elisha and Gehazi passed through a village where a woman and her older husband took care of them. They promised a son which they had. One day the son got sick and died. The woman went to Elisha and Elisha came back and resurrected the son.

The prophets fixed a bowl of stew and added something that was poisonous. Elisha fixed it. Then a man brought some food for the prophets but Elisha said to give it to the people and they ate their fill and had some left over. Shades of Jesus feeding the 5,000 and 4,000 men.

The captain of the army of Aram, Naaman, had leprosy. His wife had a servant girl who was Jewish. The servant girl told the wife that Elisha could heal his leprosy. So he went. Elisha sent his servant before Naaman arrived and told him to go dip 7 times in the Jordan. Naaman was incensed because back home he had better rivers. His servants convinced him to at least try. He did and was healed. He tried to compensate Elisha but he refused. On his way home Gehazi decided to get something from Naaman without Elisha's knowledge. But Elisha confronted him and Gehazi took on Naaman's condition, leprosy.

Jesus travels through Samaria and the disciples go into a nearby town for some food. Jesus meets a Samaritan woman at Jacob's well. The conversation is familiar and I didn't really see anything new. 

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