Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Daily Bible Reading Day 129

1Kings 16-18; John 1:2-51.  Israel goes through a power struggle. Baasha dies and son Elah takes his place. But he's killed by Zimri, however Israel follows Omri. Omri's son Ahab becomes king and he's worse than Jeroboam because he marries Jezebel and introduces Baal and Asherah. Elijah comes on the scene and a drought ensues. Elijah challenges the prophets of Baal and Asherah to a challenge. Prepare a sacrifice and call on your god to send fire from heaven to consume it. They chant all day and lose. Elijah has water poured over the sacrifice three times and it is enough to fill a trench around the altar. The he prays once and God responds with fire. Israel is amazed and seizes the prophets of Baal and Asherah and kills them. Elijah then goes to the top of a mountain and sends word to Ahab that the drought is about to end.

John the Baptist introduces Jesus to Andrew who gets his brother. Then Jesus goes to Bethsaida and finds Phillip. Phillip finds Nathaniel and he comes. John's account of the calling of the disciples is quite different than Matthew, Mark, and Luke.

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