Thursday, May 2, 2013

Daily Bible Reading Day 123

1Kings 3-5; Luke 23:1-26. Solomon is visited by God in a dream. Solomon is given a blank check from God. Solomon asks for wisdom in leading the Israelites. God not only promises him wisdom but also riches and honor. Immediately we are given a scene where Solomon renders judgment for two harlots who are arguing over whose baby this is. Solomon has a unique solution and his wisdom spreads far and wide. Solomon contracts with Hiram for cedars and cypress from Lebanon. Solomon marries Pharaoh's daughter and even at this early stage is sacrificing on the high places.

Jesus is questioned by Pilate who finds no guilt in him. Pilate discovers that Jesus is from Galilee and sends him over to Herod, who is over Galilee but in Jerusalem at the moment. Herod questions him and sends him back. Luke says that the two become friends because of this gesture by Pilate. Pilate continues his quest to release Jesus but the crowd is already demanding that he release Barabbas. Interesting that Luke doesn't record that Pilate had Jesus scourged. Luke takes us immediately to Simon being compelled to carry Jesus' cross.

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