Monday, March 5, 2007

AM Lesson for March 11, 2007

My text for March 11 will be John 1:43-51. The Title will be "Bridging Heaven and Earth." Since our theme for this year is "Keep Your Eye On Heaven in 2007" I thought this would be a good lesson about Jesus who came from heaven to bring both heaven and earth together. As background I will bring in Jacob's dream where he sees the ladder between heaven and earth. I don't know that I've ever preached on this text but I'm looking forward to bringing out how Nathaniel was probably under the fig tree contemplating the passage from Genesis where Jacob has his dream. This part of the chapter is about the disciples spreading the news that they've found the messiah. Jacob's ladder shows that the purpose of the messiah was to bridge heaven and earth together. Haven't decided on a direction just yet.


Neva said...

I am working on a series of lessons with Tom Washburn on "Learning to See God"--he will speak to the men and I will speak to the women. Anyway, in going along with your theme, one of the things that I found out is that seeing eye dogs undergo very specific training---no matter how good a dog is, he is considered unacceptable unless he lifts his head---he cannot walk around with his nose to the ground, he has to look up--I think the same about us--when we are so focused on what is going on down here, we miss seeing God because we are not lifting our heads, lifting our eyes, looking up. So many verses apply about lifting our eyes and focusing on the eternal.
Just a thought

Bob Bliss said...

Thanks Neva. Interesting viewpoint for this text. Jacob's ladder (or in this case the messiah who is Jesus of Nazareth) helps us to focus upward and gets our attention off of everything under the sun (as Ecclesiastes would put it).