Sunday, March 25, 2007

PM Sermon for 4/1/07

Sunday evening's sermon will follow my pattern for choosing a text from our daily Bible reading schedule. I've chosen 1Samuel 17 and will call it "Faith Without Restraint." I want to make sure that I just don't moralize about having faith but want to show the passage in God's movement toward redemption in Jesus Christ.

What I see in the passage is that David has trust in a God who doesn't need our resources to deliver us. In fact if we have trust in our resources (like Saul and his army) then when we come up against a stronger opponent then we give up. Our God is able to deliver without our weapons in unconventional ways. God often sets our standards upside down and choses things that we would never think of.

This will be a good follow up sermon for our campaign. By the time I step into the pulpit for this sermon we will have already begun our follow up for our contacts. I'm sure we will find some of them don't really have any interest. We need to trust God and not let our defeats stop us. He is able to give the victory so we press on.



Looks like a good sermon idea. As for the little boy in the pictures taking on the large man ...? Not a good idea!

Brian Nicklaus said...

God loves underdogs.
He is more glorified it seems, it is more obvious that it was by God's power, ala Gideon paring down the troops before battle.

the church seems to thrive as outcast, underdog, oppressed

yet when God's people get on top, we seem to mess things up, and God is not glorified.

random ramblings,
Preach the Word

Anonymous said...

Yeah, your post made me think of Gideon too. And that's a good point, when the early church was persecuted, it grew and spread. Maybe we need a little more persecution ... should we pray for that??

(Am I allowed over here? This was where all the comments were.)

Bob Bliss said...

Lisa, why wouldn't you be allowed over here? I still haven't figured out how to post pictures on WordPress. That is why I'm going to keep both sites going for a while. I don't know what I'll do with with three blogs once I figure out WordPress but we'll see.

Anonymous said...

Just joking -- you know a Wordpress blogger allowed on Blogger when there's a wordpress blog to go to instead.

Anyway ... what's the problem with the pictures on wordpress? Do you need help?

Bob Bliss said...

I will need help with pictures. I just haven't had time to really look deeply into how to add pictures. I will soon.