Monday, March 5, 2007

PM lesson for March 11, 2007

On Sunday evenings I'm preaching on texts taken from our daily Bible reading schedule. This week I'll be preaching from Joshua 1-2. The title will be "Be Strong and Courageous." God tells Joshua to be strong and courageous several times in this text as he prepares to lead the Israelites into battle to conquer the land. I plan on relating the text to our efforts in evangelism. I will probably liken Joshua's physical battle to our spiritual battle. We should trust in God's power in the battle and not just on our might. We have a spring break campaign the following week (March 18-21). Heritage Christian University will be sending 16 students and 6 adults. We will have some door knocking and preaching every night. I hope to encourage the congregation in our evangelistic efforts through the sermon.




Looking forward to come by this one and checking out "what's going on" in the pulpit there.

Sorry I haven't been around lately. I've been out of town and my computer hasn't been cooperating lately. I think I need to have a funeral for it. :)

Bob Bliss said...

For your funeral text you could use Hebrews 8:13 When He said, "A new covenant," He has made the first obsolete But whatever is becoming obsolete and growing old is ready to disappear.

Brian Nicklaus said...

hehe, good one about obsolete computers

now this is a fantastic idea. share you sermon prep so it will benefit you and other preachers, do you church members stop by.

I have heard of some preachers who have a group that he meets with regularly to discuss his sermon with during the week to make sure the personal and application parts of it will be will done for his specific listeners.

I plan to check back. I know it is better to give than to receive, but I might do both...