Saturday, June 29, 2013

Daily Bible Reading Day 181

Job 16-18; Acts 9:1-22.  Job says that his friends are sorry comforters. He goes on to describe that the derision that he receives from others. To some degree it almost sounds like the situation of Jesus on his last couple of days. Bildad weighs in again and describes the situation of those who don't know God and seems to imply that Job fits that situation.

Saul is feeling strong after Stephen's death and his initial efforts to stop the Way. He is growing in strength. He asks for permission to go to Damascus to arrest followers of Jesus and bring them back to Jerusalem. Does the Roman government allow the Jews to police their own in this way?  On the way there Jesus appears to him. He is blinded and taken to Damascus Ananias is sent to him. He tells him what is going to happen. Saul regains his sight and is baptized. He begins to proclaim Jesus in the synagogues in Damascus. 

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