Friday, June 28, 2013

Daily Bible Reading Day 180

Job 13-15; Acts 8:26-40.  Job want to contend with God because God appears to have made Job an enemy. Job cries out but God isn't listening. Though He slay me, I will still trust in him. No matter what emotions bubble up during this ordeal Job will maintain his trust in God. Eliphaz speaks again, Claims his experiences demonstrate his side of the story. 

Philip is taken by the Spirit out to a lonely desert road. There he sees a chariot. Does this Ethiopian eunuch have a big entourage or is he by himself? Anyway, the eunuch is reading an Isaiah scroll and in particular from chapter 53. So Philip begins with that portion of Scripture and proclaims Jesus. During Philip's proclamation they come across water and the eunuch requests baptism. Here is the confession we use before baptism yet the best MSS don't contain this confession. Philip baptizes the eunuch and the Spirit snatches him away to Azotus. Philip continues proclaiming Jesus and arrives at Caesarea. 

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