Sunday, June 16, 2013

Daily Bible Reading Day 168

Nehemiah 1-2; Acts 2:1-13.   Nehemiah gets word that the folks in Jerusalem aren't doing well. In particular the walls and gates are in such condition that they are a reproach to those areas around them. Nehemiah spends quite a bit of time in prayer. In fact prayer comes up quite a bit of the time in Nehemiah's time at Jerusalem. As it turns out Nehemiah is in an important position in the capital. He's cupbearer to the king. It's really a high and trusted position for the king. The king sense Nehemiah is down hearted and asks why. Nehemiah responds. The king decides to let him go and help his people. So Nehemiah makes his requests and off he goes. Upon arrival he surveys Jerusalem at night. Then tells the people why he's there. They say, Let's build!

The apostles are empowered by the Holy Spirit to begin the work of proclaiming the gospel to the world. I believe that the baptism in the Holy Spirit is Jesus sending/pouring out the Holy Spirit on his people. When you are baptized you receive the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:38). But the Holy Spirit then decides how to empower you.The Holy Spirit has already been sent. He now empowers the apostles and they begin to speak in other languages. The crowd gathered for Pentecost is amazed that they each hear in their own language. I had not noticed before but Pentecost was when the Jews celebrated Moses receiving the Law at Mount Sinai. So it is appropriate that on that day God would give the gospel to the world.

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