Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Daily Bible Reading Day 171

Nehemiah 9-11; Acts 4:1-22.  The reading today starts off with a prayer in which Nehemiah confesses the rebelliousness of the Israelites. The chapter contains a recitation of the history of Israel from the release from Egypt, through the wilderness, and on into the promised land. Israel is portrayed as rebellious but God is seen as faithful to his promise to Abraham. The people then make a covenant on a written document which they sign and seal. They promise to be faithful but also to honor the Sabbath by not buying grain from the merchants and contributing yearly to the upkeep of the temple. As in Chronicles, Nehemiah focuses on Israel's relationship to the temple, the house of God. They then cast lots to supply wood to the priests and Levites. Then the section closes with a look at the priests, the Levites, the gatekeepers, the temple servants, and where they live.

Peter and John and the man they healed are arrested by the Jewish Council. They are brought in and interrogated. Peter lets them know that the man was healed in the Name of Jesus whom they crucified, whom God raised from the dead. They threaten them to not preach in the name of Jesus but Peter says no.

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