Monday, July 15, 2013

Daily Bible Reading Day 197

Psalm 17-18. Acts 19:1-20.  It is much easier doing these summaries when the text is narrative rather than the poetry of the Psalms. Psalms 17 is more of I need your help but not as intensely so. Psalm 18 has the title that says this is about when God delivers David from the hand of Saul. This psalm does seem more victorious than the others so far.

Paul enters the high country near Ephesus. He finds disciples but they no only the baptism of John. Does Luke hint that Apollos is the one who baptized them since he too knew only the baptism of John? If so why didn't he go and correct the situation when he discovered his error?  Paul teaches them briefly and they respond in baptism. The Holy Spirit comes upon them. Paul then goes to the synagogue and spends 3 months there proclaiming Jesus. Their resistance forces him elsewhere. He goes to the School of Tyrannus. He spends 2 years there. Of all Asia hears because of the work that he and his team does.

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