Saturday, July 6, 2013

Daily Bible Reading Day 188

Job 33-34; Acts 13:2-52.  Elihu continues his diatribe against Job. He does capture Job's claim to innocence quite well. He claims that he is just a man. He claims that Job is wrong in his protest against God. I still think that in general there is nothing about what the friends, including Elihu, say that is particularly wrong. They are wrong for applying the generalities of what they say to a specific situation like Job. 

Paul concludes his lesson. I'm amazed that Paul's last quote seems to imply that he is calling his audience scoffers, yet they all beg him to come back next Sabbath. Unfortunately when he does the whole city does as well, including Gentiles. The Jews become jealous and instigate a persecution. They move on. But those who are converted grow.

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