Thursday, April 25, 2013

Daily Bible Reading Day 115

2Samuel 13-14; Luke 29:1-26. One of David's sons, Ammon, falls in love with one of David's daughters, Tamar. One of David's nephews helps Ammon get Tamar alone so he can have his way with her. He rapes her. Then he hates her. So he really wasn't in love with her. Absalom, another son of David's, plots to kill Ammon. He carries out his plot then runs away. Joab, David's commander, helps to get Absalom back. When David doesn't bring Absalom back into his presence Absalom turns to Joab but he doesn't respond either. So Absalom has Joab's field set on fire. Joab responds and gets Absalom an audience with David. Absalom is showing that he is bad news.

While teaching in the temple area Jesus is asked by the leaders the source of his authority. He asks them what they thought the source of John the Baptist's authority was. When they refused to answer so did Jesus. Then the leaders sent some to ask Jesus about paying taxes to Caesar, surely a controversial subject which would get Jesus into trouble no matter what his answer. But Jesus' answer, render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, left them speechless.

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