Monday, June 4, 2007

PM sermon for 6/10/07

The text this Sunday evening comes from Nehemiah 13:11. Nehemiah asks "Why is the house of God abandoned (or neglected)? He comes from the king a second time after the wall is built and dedicated only to find the high priest, Eliashib, making room in the temple for the foreigner Tobiah. Nehemiah also discovers that the Levites haven't received their portions and have gone back to their fields. The question of Nehemiah begs for a sermon but I want to make sure that I put the text in its proper context before making what some might think are obvious applications to the church.


Anonymous said...

Bob I am trey friend name Brandon!
I would like you to visit my forum: I hope to hear from you soon!

same said...

I just stumbled onto your blog and I plan to return and eat up as much as I can digest. Thank you for studding, teaching and for not clouding the water and our minds as some do when they do notput the text in its proper context before making what some might think are obvious applications to the church.